Coit-Phelps Lecture, April 5: Gothic, Now!
Aidekman Arts Center

CHAT is delighted to partner with ILCS, in co-sponsorship with the Arabic Program, FMS, Women Gender and Sexuality Studies to present the 2024 Gothic Symposium. This event is part of the CHAT Coit-Phelps annual lecture, created to promote sustained intellectual vibrancy across the disciplines of the humanities and beyond.
Gothic, Now! is a dark atmospheric symposium in a Post-Truth Climate. This Interdisciplinary symposium will feature awards-winning novelist Elizabeth Hand, author of over 20 genre-spanning novels and five collections of short fiction and essays.
About the Coit-Phelps Lecture:
With a love of the arts, the donors’ especially intended the Coit-Phelps fund to facilitate the intercultural contribution of the creative imagination. Since 2012, The Center for Humanities has used this fund to advance interdisciplinary work in the humanities through an annual lecture, conference, or symposium. Our lectures usually take place in the early spring. Look for details on our events page.