Every year, CHAT advertises and helps faculty apply for grants to support innovative research in the Humanities. CHAT is a member of several state, regional, and national institutions which offer funding opportunities.

National Endowment for Humanities Opportunities
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Division of Education Programs is accepting applications for the five Humanities Initiatives programs. These programs strengthen the teaching and study of the humanities at institutions of higher education by developing new or improving existing humanities programs, educational resources, or coursework.
The outputs of a successful Humanities Initiatives award may include, but are not limited to:
• A new or revised set of courses, programs, or curricula
• Teaching materials
• Humanities-based internship or experiential-learning programs
• Faculty development programs
• Partnerships with school districts, institutions of higher education, and/or community organizations

Bogliasco Foundation arts and humanities fellowships, Due March 7
Deadline: March 7, 2024 at 11:59pm ET
Budget: residency (full room and board and work space provided), no travel or stipend unless you are selected for a special fellowship; application fee of $30-$45
Purpose: The Bogliasco Foundation provides 1-month residential fellowships for exceptional international artists and scholars in all phases of their careers to deepen creativity, connect to other perspectives, and develop their best work.
The foundation invites applications for its fellowship program, which are awarded to artists and scholars in the various disciplines of the arts and humanities, including archaeology, architecture, classics, dance, film/video, history, landscape architecture, literature, music, philosophy, theater, or visual arts. Both creative and scholarly efforts are invited.

Charles Koch Foundation
Deadline: Proposal accepted on a rolling basis
Budget/Amount: No specific budget range given. No overhead costs.
Purpose: Supports research that spurs social progress and contributes to a society of mutual benefit. Proposals for research that shares the goals and vision of the Charles Koch Foundation are encouraged; major themes include equal rights, mutual benefit, open exchange of ideas, and self-actualization. Current research priority areas include Future of Work and Liberalism.
Eligibility: US-based 501c3 non-profit charities and universities.
Webinar/Resources: Selection of Past Grantees

ACLS Leading Edge Fellowship, due March 12
Deadline: March 12, 2025, 9pm EDT. Fellowships begin September 2025
Budget: Stipend of $70,000 yr1 and $72,000 yr2 plus health insurance, professional development funding. Additional $2k per year and up to $5,000 in relocation funds for in-person positions.
Purpose: Promoting Social Justice in communities. 2-year fellowship places recent PhD recipients with a participant non-profit organization. Specific topics and duties vary by partner organization. Partner organizations are located across the US. Some opportunities are in-person, some hybrid, some remote.
Eligibility: Applicants must have PhD conferred between 9/1/2020 and 8/31/2025 in a field of the humanities or interpretive social sciences (guidelines about eligible and ineligible fields is all the way at the bottom of the RFP webpage and marked with *Note). Applicants must be authorized to work in the United States. ACLS and host organizations will not sponsor visas.Participating non-profits and position descriptions are in a combined PDF and linked individually of RFP page.

Request for Proposals: Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation- Humanities Program, rolling deadline
Deadline: Rolling throughout year. Allow 3-4 months for decision.
Budget: Generally, single-year projects. Do not fund capital campaigns or building projects. Do not fund overhead or indirect costs. Past awards in the $5K-$25k range.
Purpose: This grant supports projects which address the concerns of the historical studia humanitatis: a humanistic education rooted in the great traditions of the past; the formation of human beings according to cultural, moral, and aesthetic ideals derived from that past; and the ongoing debate over how these ideals may best be conceived and realized. Programs in the following areas are eligible: history; archaeology; literature; languages, classical and modern; philosophy; ethics; comparative religion; history, criticism, and theory of the arts; humanistic social sciences. The Foundation welcomes projects that cross the boundaries between humanistic disciplines and explore the connection between the humanities and other areas of scholarship. Primarily but not exclusively directed toward European and American history and letters, broadly defined.
RFP: Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation-Humanities Program and Application Instructions
Webinars/Resources: past grantees: https://www.delmas.org/grantees-humanities
Other Fellowship Opportunities

Templeton Foundation Open Call for Funding Inquiries, due August 16
Deadline: August 16, 2024
Budget/Amount: various
Purpose: The foundation aims to invest in bold ideas from contrarian thinkers—ideas that cross disciplinary boundaries and challenge conventional assumptions. It funds innovative programs that engage the public with these ideas, in an effort to open minds, deepen understanding, and inspire curiosity. The foundation welcomes grant applications to support field-leading research and high impact public engagement programs in these areas:
Public Engagement: funds grantees to create content, cultivate thought leadership, and develop campus programming. supports content projects that include video, audio, public events, and print media.
Individual Freedom and Free Markets: supports education, research, and outreach projects to promote individual freedom, free markets, free competition, and entrepreneurship.
Religion, Science, and Society: supports discovery of meaningful and practical insights into the religious, spiritual, and cultural dimensions of humanity.
Character Virtue Development: to advance the science and practice of character, with a focus on moral, performance, civic, and intellectual virtues such as humility, gratitude, curiosity, diligence, and honesty.
Life Sciences: research and engagement projects on questions such as: What is life, and what are its limits? How did it originate, what fundamental mechanisms allow for the startling novelty of form and function? What processes led to the evolution of humanity? Can we predict future evolutionary outcomes?
Mathematical and Physical Sciences: research seeking to shed light on the fundamental concepts of physical reality and will also explore the interplay between these sciences and broader human experience.
RFP: Grant Calendar (templeton.org)
Webinar/Resources: Grant Database (templeton.org)

Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program, due August 21
- $200,000 for a 12- or 24-month fellowship
- Program will explore the ways political polarization in the United States manifests itself in society and provide possible means to alleviate the problems. Studies of polarization in other countries will be welcomed providing they offer lessons that can be applied to the United States.
- Eligibility: Junior scholars must be tenure track and pre-tenure; senior scholars are defined as those with tenure.
You can learn more here:

National Humanities Center Fellowship Program, due October 3
The National Humanities Center invites applications for year-long or semester-long residential fellowships. Mid-career, senior, and emerging scholars from all areas of the humanities with a strong record of peer-reviewed work are encouraged to apply.
Scholars from all parts of the globe are eligible; stipends and travel expenses are provided. Fellowship applicants must have a PhD or equivalent scholarly credentials. Fellowships are supported by the Center’s own endowment, private foundation grants, contributions from alumni and friends, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Located in the vibrant Research Triangle region of North Carolina, the Center affords access to the rich cultural and intellectual communities supported by the area’s research institutes, universities, and dynamic arts scene. Fellows enjoy private studies, in-house dining, and superb library services that deliver all types of research materials.
Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. ET, October 3, 2024.

Smithsonian Research Fellowships, due October 15
Two Fellowships availabile: Senior Fellowship, Postdoctoral Fellowship
Budget/Amount: 3-12 month fellowship offering prorated stipend and up to $5,000 research allowance.
Purpose: Supports independent research and study related to Smithsonian collections, facilities, and/or research interests of the Institution and its staff. List of fields of research, museums, research facilities, and archives.
Eligibility: Applicants must have held a Ph.D. or equivalent for at least 7 years.
Webinar/Resources: InternsAndFellows@si.edu

Institute for Citizens & Scholars-Career Enhancement Fellowship, due October 18
Purpose: Supports outstanding junior faculty (for 4th year of tenure-track position) committed to campus diversity and innovative research in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Fellowship provides each Fellow with a six-month or one-year sabbatical grant; a stipend for research and travel or publication; and participation in an annual conference/retreat. The following groups are encouraged to apply (1) Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Programs alumni; (2) Minority junior faculty: African Americans, Latinos and Latinas, Native Americans, and Native Alaskans, and (3) Junior faculty with a demonstrated commitment to eradicating racial disparities, breaking down stereotypes, and promoting cross-racial understanding in their university communities.
Eligibility: At time of application, must be in 3rd year of tenure-track teaching appointment in one of the listed fields within Humanities and Social Sciences. PhD recipients only. US Citizens or permanent residents only. See additional Eligibility guidelines. Note that the two letters of recommendation must be submitted directly by referees prior to application submission. Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows alumni (only) in the Physical Sciences may be eligible (see FAQ section for more information.)
Webinar/Resources: 2025 Application will open August 19. Please direct any questions to Mellon Program Associate, Ritu Mukherjee at mukherjee@citizensandscholars.org.

Russell Sage Foundation-Core Research Grants, Due October 29
Deadline: LOI due October 29
Budget/Amount: Up to $200,000.
Purpose: RSF will accept letters of inquiry (LOIs) under all of its core programs and special initiatives: Behavioral Science and Decision Making in Context; Future of Work; Immigration and Immigrant Integration; Promoting Educational Attainment and Economic Mobility among Racially, Ethnically, and Economically Diverse Groups after the 2023 Supreme Court Decision to Ban Race-Conscious Admissions at Colleges and Universities; Race, Ethnicity and Immigration; Social, Political, and Economic Inequality. It will also accept LOIs relevant to its core programs that address the effects of social movements, such as drives for unionization and mass social protests, and the effects of racial/ethnic/gender bias and discrimination on a range of outcomes related to social and living conditions in the U.S.
Eligibility: All applicants (both PIs and Co-PIs) must have a doctorate.
RFP: https://www.russellsage.org/research/funding/social-inequality
Resources: https://www.russellsage.org/grant-writing-guidelines

Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation- Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, due November 1
Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation
Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Deadline: November 1, 2024
Budget/Amount: $31,000 for 12 months of full-time dissertation writing. University cost share required (tuition/fee waiver)
Purpose: Supports doctoral candidates in their final year of writing, who are working in areas of religion, ethics, values, or morals.
Eligibility: PhD candidates who have completed all course work, passed all preliminary examinations, and received approval for their research proposals or plans by the November deadline. Should plan to complete dissertation between April 1 and August 31 of fellowship year. Open primarily to fields of study in the humanities and social sciences. Scholars engaged in science, technology, engineering, and math fields may apply provided questions of religion, ethics, or values are central to the dissertation.

American Association of University Women- Research Grant, due November 13
Deadline: November 13, 2024 at 11:59pm PST. Notification April 15, 2025
Budget/Amount: $8,000. Indirect/overhead costs allowed. Stipend paid directly to recipient; may incur tax obligation.
Purpose: Provides support to scholars to prepare research manuscripts for publication, with ultimate goal of assisting the scholar in obtaining tenure and other promotions. Must have time for eight consecutive weeks of final writing and editing in response to issues raised in critical reviews. Applicants must demonstrate that the support will result in a reduction of their ongoing work-related activities during the eight-week period. Activities undertaken during the grant period can include drafting, editing, or modifying manuscripts; replicating research components (research verification); responding to issues raised through critical review; and other initiatives to increase the likelihood of publication.
Eligibility: Open to women, including people who identify as women, in all fields of study at an accredited institution of higher education. Tenure-track, part-time, and temporary faculty, and both new and established researchers. Tenured professors not eligible. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
RFP: https://www.aauw.org/resources/programs/fellowships-grants/current-opportunities/american/

Institute for Citizens & Scholars-Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award, due December 1
Budget/Amount: Maximum $20,000 stipend ($12,000 for summer; $8,000 for academic year) can cover travel, books/supplies, manuscript preparation, research assistance. No indirect costs allowed.
Purpose: Pre-tenure support to emerging faculty leaders working in any field of the humanities and social sciences. Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award will recognize junior faculty candidates who not only balance research, teaching, and service but in fact give great weight to the creation of an inclusive campus community for underrepresented students and scholars. The selectors will focus on and privilege service and leadership activities that address and ameliorate underrepresentation on campus, and give preference to candidates who embody a high standard of excellence.
Eligibility: Assistant professors in tenure-track appointments who have passed the standard third-year/midpoint review (or equivalent), typically in fourth or fifth year of tenure-track appointment. Cannot have already submitted tenure review dossier or be up for tenure during award year. Cannot have been recipient of Career Enhancement Fellowship. Must be US Citizen or Permanent Resident. Note: Two letters of recommendation from senior colleagues must be submitted directly before full application can be submitted.
Webinar/Resources: Applications open August 5.

Folger Shakespeare Library Long Term Fellowship, due December 15
Deadline: December 15, 2024 by 11:59 pm ET
Budget/Amount: $70,000 for 9-month fellowship (25/26 academic year)
Purpose: Supports full-time scholarly work on significant research projects that draw on the strengths of the Folger’s collections and programs. Up to 3 months of fellowship can be virtual; remainder must be on-site.
Eligibility: Must hold terminal degree (PhD) by time fellowship begins.
Webinar/Resources: FAQ. Separate application for Short-term Fellowships due January 15, 2025 (https://www.folger.edu/research/the-folger-institute/fellowships/apply-for-a-fellowship/short-term-fellowships/#application-instructions)

Spencer Foundation Large Research Grants, Due January 14
Deadline: Intent to Apply due January 14, 2025, 12:00 PM (noon) Central Time; If invited, Full Proposal due February 11
Budget/Amount: Projects up to 5 years in duration. Three funding tiers: $125k-250k; $250k-$375k; and $375k-$500k. Up to 15% indirect allowed.
Purpose: Funds education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived (education can be across the life course, from early childhood to adult learning, and in contexts in or outside of school). Open to all research topics, disciplines, designs, methods, or locations. Our goal for this program is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education. Proposals for activities other than research are not eligible (e.g., program evaluations, professional development, curriculum development, scholarships, capital projects). Additionally, proposals for research studies focused on areas other than education, are not eligible.
Eligibility: PI must be affiliated with non-profit or other public/governmental institution. PI and any Co-PIs must have a doctorate in an academic discipline or professional field, or appropriate experience in an education research-related profession. PI and Co-PI may only hold one active Spencer Foundation research grant at a time. PI and Co-PI may only submit one research proposal at a time and may not submit if they have a pending application.
Webinar/Resources: Questions to: Maricelle Garcia at largegrants@spencer.org

American Institute for Economic Research: Harwood Visiting Research Fellowship, Due January 15
Harwood/Long Term: January 15, 2025 (also April 1, July 1)
Award: $350/week stipend, travel assistance, accommodation, meals.
Purpose: Residential fellowships (in person at AIER in Great Barrington, MA) for researchers and academics in the social sciences and humanities. Short-Term: 2-6 weeks.
Eligibility: Full-time professional researchers at all career stages.

American Institute for Economic Research: Short-Term Visiting Research Fellowship, Due January 15
Short-Term Visiting Research Fellowship
Deadlines: Rolling deadline
Budget/Amount: accommodation, meals.
Purpose: Residential fellowships (in person at AIER in Great Barrington, MA) for researchers and academics in the social sciences and humanities. Harwood: 10-12 weeks. Short-Term: 2-6 weeks.
Eligibility: Full-time professional researchers at all career stages.

Branco Weiss Fellowship – Society in Science, due 1/15/25
Budget/Amount: 5 years of funding, subject to review after 2 years (can continue after faculty position secured, but must start as non-faculty). Award is CHF 600,000 (~$700k USD) over 5 years.
Purpose: Supports Postdoctoral researchers in all areas (including natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, and humanities) who pursue original and unconventional projects in science that are outside the mainstream of research in the discipline. Projects should exploit new avenues of research and may be transdisciplinary. Applicants must provide evidence of outstanding achievement in their particular scientific field and be willing to engage in a dialogue on relevant social, cultural, political, or economic issues across the frontiers of their particular discipline.
Eligibility: Must hold PhD by application deadline and have received it maximum of 5 years prior to application deadline. Cannot hold or have ever held faculty-equivalent position.
RFP: https://brancoweissfellowship.org/
Webinar/Resources: Fellowship Guidelines

Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize for Visual Sociology, due February 4
Social Science Research Council
Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize for Visual Sociology
Deadline: February 4, 2025 at 11:59 EST
Budget/Amount: $5,000 for first prize
Purpose: Award for writing commentaries giving sociological analysis of the two separate visual materials, based on theoretical and applied social science methods. One commentary must be based on one of the photos by Rachel Tanur and one must be based on an original photo taken by the applicant.
Eligibility: Currently enrolled in BA, MA, or PhD program in any social science discipline at time of application.
Webinar/Resources: Previous awardees. Awarded every other year. Questions to tanurprize@ssrc.org.

Terra Foundation for American Art Convening Grant, due February 17
Deadline: Required LOI due February 17, 2025; If invited, Full Proposal due April 25
Budget/Amount: Generally, $10,000-$25,000, though more if justified; up to 15% indirect costs; up to $5,000 for preparing or distributing proceedings or publications.
Purpose: Convenings, such as workshops, symposia, and colloquia, that help address disparities and exclusions in the visual arts field. Projects that address the following objectives are encouraged:
1. generate knowledge and interpretive frameworks that reflect the range and complexity of American art and its histories through the diversity of artists represented, voices included, and stories told
2. center artists, scholars, and communities who have been systemically excluded from narratives, practices, and presentations of American art
3. commit to inclusive and equitable practices across project development and implementation in order to lead to structural change
Eligibility: Institutions with 501c3 status

Kress Foundation Grants, due March 1
History of Art Grants
Digital Art History Grant
Conservation Grant
Deadline: LOI due March 1, 2025 at 5pm EST (Spring Cycle). If invited, Full Application due April 1 at 5pm EST. LOIs also accepted September and December.
Budget/Amount: No stated funding limit. Most grants in $5k-$25k range, though some larger. Indirect costs not allowed.
Purpose: Supports scholarly projects that will enhance the appreciation and understanding of European works of art and architecture from antiquity to the early 19th century. Grants are awarded to projects that create and disseminate specialized knowledge, including archival projects, development and dissemination of scholarly databases, documentation projects, museum exhibitions and publications, photographic campaigns, scholarly catalogues and publications, and technical and scientific studies.
Eligibility: Awards given to non-profit institutions that have 501(c)3 status in the United States. Project can be directed by single individual or a team affiliated with the organization.
RFP: https://www.kressfoundation.org/Programs/Grants/History-of-Art

Asian Cultural Council Requests Proposals, due by November 30
The Asian Cultural Council (ACC) is committed to advancing international dialogue, mutual understanding, and respect through supporting cultural exchange projects by individuals and organizations between Asia and the United States and between Asian countries.
The ACC provides grants for long-term, immersive exploration of other cultures. ACC’s individualized programmatic support expands the horizons of grantees by nurturing their perspectives, fostering creative growth, and fostering valuable international connections.

NEFA Public Art for Spatial Justice, due December 4
Public Art for Spatial Justice aims to support public artmaking that helps us see, feel, experience and imagine spatial justice now, while we are still on this journey towards realizing more just futures for our public spaces and public culture.
Public Art for Spatial Justice grants range from $15,000-$30,000, for up to two-year grant period beginning March 2024 through February 2026.
NEW DEADLINE: The 2023 application due December 4, 2023, 11:59p ET.

Whiting Foundation Travel Fellowships, due January 5
The Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation awards fellowships to teachers in colleges and universities for travel related to teaching for the purpose to stimulate and broaden the minds;to improve and enhance the& quality of their instruction. Grants are primarily for travel and related expenses and not as salary substitutes scholarships or grants in aid.
Full details about applications and requirements are available here.
Applications are due January 5, 2024.

Second Book Institute Fellowship, due January 8
The University of Tulsa’s Henneke Center for Academic Fulfillment invites applications to the 2024 Second Book Institute (SBI) for scholars in the humanities and other book-centered fields. This initiative is designed to help mid-career academics in need of time, structured writing strategies, and a network of mutual support to complete their second book.
The external fellowships include six nights at a local boutique hotel, opening and closing dinners, daily continental breakfasts and lunches, guest memberships at the University of Tulsa’s Collins Fitness Center, and stipends of $1,000 to fund travel to the workshop, assist with family care, or provide whatever the fellows determine will facilitate their ability to devote a week entirely to their own writing and community-building with the other fellows. The internal fellowship includes the meals and a $500 stipend. All fellowships include an optional follow-up online conference with Howard and online group meetings at regular intervals to provide continued mutual support in meeting writing goals.
The 2024 application is due January 8, 2024.
Applications and more information available at the University of Tulsa website.

Fields of the Future fellowship, due January 15
Bard Graduate Center (BGC) is pleased to continue its annual Fields of the Future fellowship and mentorship program, which aims to help promote diversity and inclusion in the advanced study of the material world. These fellowships—for both scholars and artists—reflect Bard's commitment to explore and expand the sources, techniques, voices, and questions of interdisciplinary humanities scholarship from different perspectives.
Applications and more information available here. The application is due January 15, 2024.
To apply, email fellowships@bgc.bard.edu with the following items:
- The application form;
- a cover letter explaining why Bard Graduate Center is an appropriate research affiliation;
- your 150-word abstract of project;
- a detailed project description;
- your CV;
- a publication or academic writing sample of approximately twenty to thirty pages;
- the names and contact information for two references.
Please note: Remember that funding that binds Tufts to external terms needs to be approved by the Tufts research administration office, and should be approved by an authorized signer. Please visit
the provost's research administration page to find out the name of your research administrator.

Request for Proposals: Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, due February 25
Deadline: February 25, 2024, 5 p.m.
Budget: up to $30,000
Purpose: Projects about architecture and the designed environment to promote dialogue, raising awareness, and developing new and wider audiences;
- Publications, exhibitions, installations, films, new media projects, conferences/lectures, and other public programs.
- Areas of study considered include architecture; architectural history, theory, and criticism; design; engineering; landscape architecture; urban planning; urban studies; visual arts; and related fields of inquiry. Also work in the fine arts, humanities, and sciences that expands the boundaries of thinking about architecture and space.
- Work that reaches new audiences, from specialized to general, and creates opportunities for critical dialogue between various publics.
- Priority for opportunities which enable critical support at key points in the development of a project or career.
Eligibility: only 1 application per department per year. If interested, please contact your department chair and Susan.lewis@tufts.edu
RFP: Graham Foundation > Grant Programs > Organizations
Webinars/Resources: previous grantees: Graham Foundation > 2023 Grantees

Request for Proposals: Harvard Travellers Club Permanent Fund Travel Grant, due end of February
Budget: maximum $10K, generally less. They award a total of $10-15K annually, usually split between 2 recipients, sometimes more than 2. Budget may cover costs other than travel; provide a budget that details the various elements. They prefer not to fund visas and insurance.
Purpose: to foster research and/or exploration that involves travel as part of the project. The travel must be intimately involved with the research and/or exploration. The Fund does not pay for travel unless it is intimately involved with the project. For instance, the fund will not pay for travel for someone who wants to spend time studying in a foreign city. Funded grants: https://www.travellersfund.org/recent-grants
RFP: https://www.travellersfund.org/application
Webinars/Resources: The program officer is responsive to questions. Please contact Susan.lewis@tufts.edu for more information.

Medgar and Myrlie Evers Research Fellowship 2024, due March 1
MDAH is now accepting applications for the 2024 Medgar and Myrlie Evers Research Fellowship. Offered in partnership with the Medgar & Myrlie Evers Institute, this annual fellowship awards a $5,000 stipend to one graduate student or a faculty member within the first five years of their academic career to conduct research using the Evers Papers and other archival collections at MDAH for two weeks during the summer.

ACLS Leading Edge Fellowship, due March 13
Deadline: March 13, 2024, 9pm EDT. Fellowships begin September 2024
Budget: Stipend of $70,000 yr1 and $72 yr2 plus health insurance, professional development funding, and up to $5,000 in relocation funds.
Purpose: Promoting Social Justice in communities. 2-year fellowship places recent PhD recipients with a participant non-profit organization. Specific topics and duties vary by partner organization. Partner organizations are located across the US. Some opportunities are in-person, some hybrid, some remote.
Eligibility: Applicants must have PhD conferred between 9/1/2019 and 8/31/2024 in a field of the humanities or interpretive social sciences (guidelines about eligible and ineligible fields is all the way at the bottom of the RFP webpage and marked with *Note). Applicants must be authorized to work in the United States. ACLS and host organizations will not sponsor visas.
RFP: https://www.acls.org/competitions/acls-leading-edge-fellowships/. Participating non-profits and position descriptions are in a combined PDF and linked individually of RFP page.
Webinars/Resources: Webinars 2/13 at 2pm and 3/8 at 4pm. Registration required; links on RFP page.

Bogliasco Foundation arts and humanities fellowships, due March 14
The Bogliasco Foundation provides residential fellowships for exceptional international artists and scholars in all phases of their careers to deepen creativity, connect to other perspectives, and develop their best work.
The foundation invites applications for its fellowship program, which are awarded to artists and scholars in the various disciplines of the arts and humanities, including archaeology, architecture, classics, dance, film/video, history, landscape architecture, literature, music, philosophy, theater, or visual arts. Both creative and scholarly efforts are invited.
Budget: residency, no travel or stipend unless you are selected for a special fellowship; application fee of $45

Center for the Study of Federalism research grants, due March 15
The Center for the Study of Federalism is offering research grants to further the study of American federalism. Grants will be awarded for original research and/or writing that advances thinking about federalism as a principle of American government, law, or politics. Areas of focus may include but are not limited to: political philosophy and theory, political history and development, public policy, law (including constitutional law), political institutions, political behavior, and political culture. Research should focus solely on U.S. federalism but consideration will be given to comparative research in which U.S. federalism is a significant component and from which can be drawn a better understanding of U.S. federalism.
Budget/Amount: up to $15K
Eligibility: PhD and published research record. Faculty and scholars eligible.

Terra Foundation for American Art Convening Grant, due March 18
Purpose: Convenings, such as workshops, symposia, and colloquia, that help address disparities and exclusions in the visual arts field. Projects that address the following objectives are encouraged:
1. generate knowledge and interpretive frameworks that reflect the range and complexity of American art and its histories through the diversity of artists represented, voices included, and stories told
2. center artists, scholars, and communities who have been systemically excluded from narratives, practices, and presentations of American art
3. commit to inclusive and equitable practices across project development and implementation in order to lead to structural change
Eligibility: Institutions with 501c3 status
RFP: https://www.terraamericanart.org/what-we-offer/grant-fellowship-opportunities/convening-grants/
Webinar/Resources: Additional award opportunities for Exhibitions and Collections are available. FAQ.
Contact: grants@terraamericanart.org

Creative Capital Open Call, due 4/4
Creative Capital is committed to groundbreaking ideas that challenge what art can be. As Creative Capital Awardees have demonstrated, socially impactful ideas are embedded in a myriad of artistic forms and practices. We invite artists to propose experimental, original, bold projects in the visual arts, performing arts, film/moving image, technology, literature, multidisciplinary, and socially engaged forms which push boundaries formally and/or thematically. Will award 50 grants.
Deadline: LOI due April 4, 4 pm, ET invitation to submit a project by June 2024
Budget/Amount: $15,000 - $50,000; up to 3 years
RFP: Creative Capital Open Call | Creative Capital (creative-capital.org)
Application Handbook;
Creative Capital Curriculum

Russell Sage Foundation, Core Research Grants, due 4/15
Funding Guidelines for April 16, 2024 Deadline
RSF will accept letters of inquiry (LOIs) under all of its core programs and special initiatives: Behavioral Science and Decision Making in Context; Future of Work; Immigration and Immigrant Integration; Promoting Educational Attainment and Economic Mobility among Racially, Ethnically, and Economically Diverse Groups after the 2023 Supreme Court Decision to Ban Race-Conscious Admissions at Colleges and Universities; Race, Ethnicity and Immigration; Social, Political, and Economic Inequality.
Eligibility: PI and Co-PIs must have PhD; focus of project must be on the U.S.
Deadline: Required LOI due April 16, 2024, by 2pm ET/11am PT (If invited, proposals are due July 22,2024.)
Budget/Amount: three levels: Trustee grants – up to $200,000; Presidential – up to $50,000 (up to $75,000 if there are special data needs or multiple assistant Prof PIs).
RFP: https://www.russellsage.org/how-to-apply/project-presidential-awards
Grant Writing Webinar March 13th at 2pm ET: info and register

Wenner-Gren Post-PhD Research Grant, due May 1
Purpose: This grant program funds individual research projects undertaken by doctorates in anthropology or a closely related field. Our goal is to support vibrant and significant work that furthers our understanding of what it means to be human. There is no preference for any methodology, research location, topic, or subfield. The Foundation particularly welcomes proposals that integrate two or more subfields and pioneer new approaches and ideas.
Deadline: May 1, 2024
Eligibility: Doctorates in Anthropology, Doctorates in Related Fields, Independent Scholar
RFP: Post-PhD Research Grant | Wenner-Gren Foundation (wennergren.org)
Webinar/Resources: Application deadlines are May 1 (for project start dates between January 1 and June 30 of the following year) and November 1 (for project start dates between July 1 and December 31 of the following year).

Performing Arts Technologies Lab, due May 6
The Performing Arts Technologies Lab is both a grant and a support system designed to expand access to and nurture new methods for creating, sharing and experiencing the performing arts. Selected projects will proceed through a series of development phases, beginning with the articulation of a basic concept and culminating, for some proposals, in a fully funded implementation. Support will combine financial resources with technical assistance. Participants will be expected to participate in a series of virtual and in-person meetings that will be programmed to facilitate shared learning and exchange.
- Information Webinar- April 11, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
- Application Deadline - May 6
- Phase 1 Grantees Notified - July 1
- Phase 1 Convening - Aug. 8-9

Tufts Springboard Grants, due May 8
Tufts Springboard is an intramural grant program sponsored by the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR), and Tufts Medicine. The goal of Tufts Springboard is to stimulate high impact research, scholarship and educational initiatives that have an explicit plan leading to extramural funding or other outcomes that influence research, scholarship, educational outcomes, and/or policy. Moreover, the Tufts Springboard program aims to further the priorities of the University and its schools and to fortify Tufts' status as a R1, very-high research activity university and member of the Association of American Universities.
Submissions are due May 8th for projects starting August 1st.

Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize, due May 15
Purpose: Recognizes the most outstanding book of poetry published in the United States in the previous calendar year.
Eligibility: Award is to poet, but submissions are done by publisher. Open to any book of original poetry, in English, published in the United States during 2023 in a standard edition (48 pages or more) by a living poet who meets US citizenship or residency eligibility guidelines. $75 entrance fee.
Budget/Amount: $25,000 award. Prize also includes a ten-day residency at Glen Hollow in Naples, New York, and distribution of the winning book to hundreds of Academy of American Poets members. Prize is considered taxable income.
Deadline: May 15, 2024 11: 59 PM ET
Resources: Questions to: awards@poets.org

James Laughlin Prize, due May 15
Purpose: To honor a second full-length print book of original poetry, in English, by a living poet, forthcoming in the next calendar year.
Eligibility: Award is to poet, but submissions are done by publisher. To be eligible for the award in 2024, a book must be under contract with a U.S. publisher and scheduled to be published between January 1, 2025, and December 31, 2025. Winning books must be published by December 31, 2025. Submitted book must be 48 pages or more. Author must have at least one previously published book of 48 pages or more and meet US citizenship or residency eligibility guidelines.
Budget/Amount: $5,000 prize plus an all-expenses-paid weeklong residency at The Betsy Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, and distribution of the winning book to approximately one thousand Academy of American Poets members. Prize is considered taxable income.
Deadline: May 15, 2024 11: 59 PM ET
Resources: Questions to: awards@poets.org

Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant, due May 14
Deadline: May 14, 2024 11:59pm ET
Budget/Amount: Article grants are $15,000; Book grants are $50,000; Short-Form Writing grants are $30,000. 1 year grants.
Purpose: Awards to both emerging and established writers to support work about contemporary (since World War II) visual art. Awards are given in three categories—articles, books, and short-form writing. Open to art historians, artists, critics, curators, journalists, or writers in an outside field who are strongly engaged with the contemporary visual arts Projects on post-WWII work in adjacent fields—architecture, dance, film, media, music, performance, sound, etc.—will only be considered if they directly and significantly engage the discourses and concerns of contemporary visual art.
Eligibility: Writer must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or hold an O-1 visa; be at least 25 years old by Oct 1 of the application year; and must be a previously published author. Projects based on a PhD dissertation or MA thesis are not eligible, nor are awards to full-time students in a degree-granting program (unless the applicant maintains a simultaneous/separate professional career as an art writer). Collaboration allowed for book projects. Grant given to individual rather than institution; note that grant is considered taxable income.
RFP: https://www.artswriters.org/. See Application Guidelines for a more comprehensive list of eligibility criteria, and Project Types page for publishing history requirements for each project type.
Webinar/Resources: For questions regarding application and eligibility: questions@artswriters.org. $935,000 awarded in 2023 to 27 writers.

Collective Futures Prizes, due June 16
Starting in 2021, the Collective Futures Fund began awarding a yearly total of $80,000 in grant funding to collaborative and public-facing projects by visual artists, curators, and collectives across Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Middlesex, and Plymouth counties. Next application cycle opens April 19, 2024 in the following three categories: Sustaining Practice, New Projects Grants, and Ongoing Platforms Grants.
Deadline: Applications are due June 16, by end of day.
Prizes: Prize awards range from $2,000 to $7500.

NEHC Seed Grants
The New England Humanities Consortium (NEHC) funds seed grants every academic year in the amount of $5,000. Deadline is typically in October.

Mass Humanities Seed Grants
Mass Humanities supports grants to fund expanding Massachusetts stories and elevating community leadership in Massachusetts. Mass Humanities believes in thought-provoking public humanities for all audiences that connect us and change how we think about our history, culture and beliefs.