Upcoming Events

How to Write Well and Why We Must: A Conversation with Leonard Cassuto, 2/20
Join us for a conversation about academic writing with Leonard Cassuto of Fordham University. Copies of his book will be available, and the author will sign.
February 20 | 4:30 pm ET

Faculty Book Talk: Half-Life of a Secret, with Emily Strasser, 2/26
Join us on Wednesday, February 26 at 4:30 p.m. to hear from Emily Strasser about her most recent book, Half-Life of a Secret.
February 26 | 4:30 pm ET

New Works in Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora, 2/27
RCD symposium this spring - Engaging New Works in Race, Colonialism & Diaspora Studies - Feb. 27-28
February 27 | 9:00 am ET

The Riddle of Thoreau’s Religion, with Richard Higgins, 3/3
Tufts Department of Religion, the Center for the Humanitiesat Tufts and Tufts University Chaplaincy are excited to welcome Richard Higgins to campus on Monday, March 3.
March 03 | 12:00 pm ET

CHAT Fellow Presentation with Mary McNeil, 3/5
March 05 | 4:00 pm ET

Ecology Now! Symposium, 3/5
ILCS and CHAT invite you to attend the "Ecology Now!" Symposium on Friday, March 7th from 9:00AM to 4:30PM on Tufts Medford Campus in the Alumnae Lounge.
March 07 | 8:30 am ET

CHAT Fellow Presentation with Modhumita Roy, 3/12
March 12 | 4:00 pm ET

Paths to Publishing with Meredith Turits, 3/24
Check back soon for more details about this event.
March 24 | 6:00 pm ET

Open House & Publication Party, 3/26
Join us March 26 at 4 p.m. for a special Open House event to celebrate all of the publications in the humanities at Tufts for 2024-2025.
March 26 | 4:00 pm ET

"Ballaké Sissoko, Kora Tales" Film Screening
March 27 | 7:30 pm ET

Save the Date: ISMAA Symposium, March 28-29
Join us March 28 and 29 for a dialogue between communities of practice and communities of learning--an interface between orality and literacy-- in the context of African music and its research.
March 28 | 8:00 am ET

“The Delta Smelt Controversy in Sociological Perspective” with Caleb Scoville, 4/2
April 02 | 4:00 pm ET