Life's Excess, with Kriti Sharma, 3/27
Aidekman Arts Center
40 Talbot Avenue

Please join us for the first event of a new series, University Ecologies and the Question of the Commons. We aspire to host conversations that cut across disciplines, schools, and divisions of labor to reimagine environmental knowledge, relations, and expertise. Over the next three years, this project’s events and working groups will examine how university knowledge has historically underpinned the creation of inequitable environments and agricultures, while exploring ways to build more sustainable and just ecologies on our campus and beyond.
Narrow visions of nature forged in the biological sciences form a robust ideological pillar of racial capitalism, and are enjoying a resurgence. Dismantling this pillar and the increasingly naked brutality it upholds requires careful attendance to what vastly exceeds the dominant bio-economic vision of life and the human. Join us March 27 in Alumnae Lounge for a conversation with special guest Kriti Sharma from UC Santa Cruz, in conversation AB Huber and Patte Loper about this topic.
Sponsors: Mellon Foundation; The Center for the Humanities at Tufts; Anthropology; Environmental Studies; the Program in Science, Technology, and Society; Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora; Urban and Environmental Policy & Planning; Visual and Material Studies.
Please contact with any questions.