Lunch with Diego Luis, 10/27
Fung House Conference Room
Medford MA 02155
Tufts graduate students in the humanities are invited to an informal conversation with Diego Luis (Assistant Professor, History) on navigating academia as well as unpacking the “hidden curriculum” of graduate school. It is part of a faculty speaker series for humanities graduate students to exchange ideas and build community across departments. This event is sponsored by Center for the Humanities at Tufts (CHAT) and the Graduate Humanities Circle.
Diego Javier Luis studies the colonial histories of Latin America and the Pacific World, race-making, and Afro-Asian diasporic convergences. He is currently finishing a book with Harvard University Press entitled, The First Asians in the Americas: A Transpacific History. The book traces both free and enslaved Asian mobility from the Philippines to Mexico, Central America, Peru, and Spain, from the sixteenth to early-nineteenth centuries. In particular, it examines how Asian subjects encountered and responded to colonial-era racialization with an emphasis on cross-cultural exchanges, social mobility, and resistance to enslavement. Luis's second project, "The Early Modern Black Pacific: Responding to Global Empire," aims to uncover the early, hidden histories of African diaspora to and through the Spanish Pacific.
Open to all graduate students in the humanities. Organized by CHAT and the Graduate Humanities Circle.