CHAT Fellow Publications

University of Chicago Press, February 2016

Daniel M. Abramson
Professor of Architectural History
Director of Architectural Studies
Boston University
book cover featuring square office park in black and white

Oxford University Press, April 2015

Kamran Rastegar
Professor, International Literary and Cultural Studies
Professor, Studies in Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora
Interim Chair, Studies in Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora
Faculty Fellow, 2012-2013; 2016-2017
Book cover featuring black and white photo of two people walking through a city while being photographed

Oxford University Press, December 2013

Kenneth Garden
Associate Professor and Department Chair
Religion Department
Faculty Fellow, 2010-2011
Book cover with islamic script design and the title in block text

University of Chicago Press, March 2013

Alisha Rakin
History Department
Faculty Fellow, 2012-2013
Book Cover: brown woodcut of woman working in a kitchen

Stanford University Press, December 2012

Amahl Bishara
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Faculty Fellow, 2011-2012; 2016-2017
Book cover: woman in microphone wearing helmet with people showing peace signs behind her

Indiana University Press, June 2011

Peter Probst
Department of the History of Art and Architecture
Faculty Fellow, 2010-2011
book cover featuring colorful masks and men with painted faces

Princeton University Press, August 2011

David Ekbladh
History Department
Faculty Fellow 2011-2012
Book cover with the text in brown, red and yellow

Boomsbury Publishing, July 2004

Ina Baghdiantz-McCabe
Darakjian Jafarian Chair of Armenian History
Department of History
CHAT Faculty Fellow, 2018-2019
book cover featuring drawing of a centaur holding a bow & arrow