Past Events

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poster featuring drawing of woman's face with spiral above it
poster featuring drawing of woman's face with spiral above it
Aurality Hub First meeting, 3/8
The Tufts community is enthusiastically invited to the first meeting of The Aurality Hub, on Friday, March 8 - 1:15pm @ Barnum LL26 — lead by guest Julie Shapiro. Light refreshments will be served at the start of the event.
March 08 | 1:15 pm ET
two asian woman posing, one nervous, one happy
two asian woman posing, one nervous, one happy
Film Screening of Quiz Lady and Discussion with Jessica Yu, 3/7
FMS and CHAT welcome everyone to join a discussion with filmmaker Jessica Yu on 3/7 in Barnum 08.
March 07 | 7:00 pm ET
poster with mideval paintings and raffensperger photo on black background
poster with mideval paintings and raffensperger photo on black background
Art, Influence, and Appropriation, with Christian Raffensperger, 3/7
The Department of the History of Art & Architecture-- in co-sponsorship with CHAT-invite you to attend a special lecture by Professor Christian Raffensperger on March 7th in Tisch 307
March 07 | 4:30 pm ET
poster featuring collage of books in the middle plus event text
poster featuring collage of books in the middle plus event text
Open House, 3/6
Join us March 6 for a special Open House honoring all of the great work in the Humanities this past year.
March 06 | 4:00 pm ET
poster in blue featuring 2 professor profile photos
poster in blue featuring 2 professor profile photos
Forest Field and Street, Book Talk with Silvia Bottinelli and Leah Modigilani, 3/5
CHAT invites you to hear Dr. Silvia Bottinelli and Dr. Leah Modigliani discuss major themes and connections in their new books. Come join us March 5!
March 05 | 3:00 pm ET
flyer featuring african queen on brown background with text
flyer featuring african queen on brown background with text
Film Screening & Q&A of Gone to the Village, 2/29
On February 29, you are invited to a special film screening of the documentary Gone to the Villiage.
February 29 | 7:30 pm ET
poster with book cover, three author pictures and text on a blue background
poster with book cover, three author pictures and text on a blue background
Archaeology for Today and Tomorrow with Craig Cipolla, 2/28
Join us on Wednesday, February 28, at noon for a Faculty Book Talk with Dr. Craig Cipolla and his co-authors to learn about their newest book, Archaeology for Today and Tomorrow.
February 28 | 12:00 pm ET
poster with green and black lines and photo of Wen-ti Tsen
poster with green and black lines and photo of Wen-ti Tsen
Asian-American and Latinx Lecture Series Event featuring Wen-ti Tsen, 2/22
The Department of Race, Colonialism and Diaspora as well as the Center for Humanities and Tisch College invite you to a special event on 2/22 with artist Wen-ti Tsen.
February 22 | 12:00 pm ET
red text on black background with outlines of children
red text on black background with outlines of children
Poetry Reading & Discussion with Yahya Ashour, 2/16
The SMFA, in conjunction with ILCS, CHAT, and RCD invite everyone to join them for a special event with poet Yahya Ashour. This event will feature readings of Yahya’s poetry as well as discussions of how daily life – and frequent trauma – in Gaza have affected his writing.
February 16 | 2:00 pm ET
poster featuring author and music notes and destroyed church
poster featuring author and music notes and destroyed church
Time's Echo with Jeremy Eichler, 2/14
Join us February 14th at 6 p.m. for a conversation with special guest Jeremy Eichler, about his new work, Time’s Echo: The Second World War, the Holocaust, and the Music of Remembrance.
February 14 | 6:00 pm ET
poster featuring statue of slave breaking chains
poster featuring statue of slave breaking chains
Religiosity and Ancient Mediterranean Slave Revolts, 2/14
Join us February 14 at noon for a special CHAT Fellow presentation with Dr. Chance Bonar.
February 14 | 12:00 pm ET
flyer featuring painting of slave woman, and profile photos of three speakers
flyer featuring painting of slave woman, and profile photos of three speakers
The Religious Cultures of Enslaved Women, 2/8
CHAT invites all faculty, staff and students to a special roundtable event on February 8th featuring special guest, Alexis Wells-Oghoghomeh, from Stanford University. Hosted in Alumnae Lounge.
February 08 | 12:00 pm ET